"The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well. The people don't have the best of everything they just make the best of everything."
The academic year 2010-11 started with the Investiture ceremony where the responsibilities of the house were entrusted to Abhinav Kumar, with Shubham Singh as Vice Captain and Aiwyn James as 'C' Squad Leader.After this solemn occasion began a plethora of activities which kept us, all the year long.
The inter house activities started with the aquatics competition. With luck not favoring us we gained the second position. Special performances by Azhar Rizvi (Aquatics captain) and Aroun Dalawat were applauded by one and all. Then came the most loved sport of our school, football, in which
we came third. Inspite of this some good performances by Abhinav Kumar, Shubham Singh,
Sarthak Chawla and Naman Singh.Then came Badminton in which we clinched the first position with
champion performances by Adhish Gupta and Hrithik Kumar in the juniors and Manu Soneja
and Aroun Dalawal in the seniors. This was followed by Table Tennis in which we were placed at the top
spot with the help of some grand performance by Shival Jalora, Arham Khan and Shubham Singh,Then the next event was the Inter House cricket. Team lead by Abhinav Kumar, aided by able inputs of
Saquib Mukhtar (cricket captain), was declared the runners up of the tournament. The commendable
efforts by Ahaad Islam (Cricket vice captain), Anand D'cruz, Sarthak Chawla, Mohd Abbas, Arsalan
& Saad Islam are applaudable. Two of our players brought laurels to our house, Mohd Faisal
who cracked eight wickets, was adjudged the Best Bowler and Saquib Mukhtar as the Best Fielder of the tournament. In Basketball we came third followed by chess in which, due to some careless performance
our juniors we came third. Though special efforts byAyush Jauhari and Kartikeya Pandey, cannot be left unmentioned.
With the athletic events starting and every Red house boy working hard to attain glow for the house, we were declared the runners up in marching and in Athletics. We showed the best performance in last seven years and came second. Collective efforts by Taha Siddiqui, Tabish Naqvi, Sahil Stephen (C. Division Champion). Roger Mukherjee, Siddharth Shekhar Yadav, Abhinav Kumar (3rd in 100 mts), Archit Jaiswal (1st in Discus throw, Cycle race, 800 mts), Utkarsh Malviya and Ayush Singh granted us the second spot. We maintained a firm hold on the Discipline Shield and the Red House was declared the most disciplined house on the final day. Also Chitrangad Shukla was declared the best all the rounder of the year among juniors on the final day.
With another year coming to an end we had many positives as a silver lining.
In the end I would like to thank my Housemaster Mr. L. Ducasse, who was the best Housemaster and with his inspirational leadership and guiding abilities he motivated and guided us through the year. His advice proved to be a boon for us at many crucial times in the year. I would also like to thank our House Mistress Mrs. A. Thomas, Mrs. S. Sebastain, Mrs. RB. Verma, Mr. P.D. Khan, Mr. V.K. Paul, Mr. M.K. Singh and Ms. S. Banarjee. Not to forget my friends Saquib Mukhtar, Shreel Dwivedi, Alwyn James, Aviral Agarwal, Prateek Srivastava, Utkarsh Jaiswal, Shubham Singh, Naman Singh, Ahaad Islam & Sarthak Chawala.
I wish the best of luck to my juniors for their prosperous future with a message "Never bend your head, Always hold it high because success is doing not winning."
Abhinav Kumar

The highest watershed of my 13 years in S.J.C. was to be made the Red house Captain
of my Alma Mater, When John Kennedy was asked what President label he was expected
to wear, he replied, "I hope to be responsible." Such were my thoughts when I was
given this prestigious post. The Jubilee Year Sporting Calendar was a gratifying
Year for the Red House boys on account of their zeal and persistent efforts for
great achievements. The Red House, also known as St. George's House, reigned supreme
by winning five out of six shields.
They were the Tug-a-war, Marching, P.T., Discipline and the most prestigious - Cock
House shields. We came first in swimming with the efforts of Shrea Neil Peter, Srijan
Pratap Singh, Vipul Tiwari, Azhar Rizvi and Puneet Tiwari. Next was the football
in which we worked very hard but came fourth, with our Vice Captain Abhinav Kumar,
being the joint top scorer. In badminton, our boys came second in which my fellow
colour holder, Adhish Gupta put up an extraordinary exhibition of talent, both in
the singles as well as the doubles. Omar Siddiqui and Shival Jalota bagged the second
place in Table Tennis. Next was the Inter House Cricket Tournament, the most loved
sport in India, Red House, under the captaincy of Abhinav Kumar and aided by the
immense hard work of Saquib Mukhtar, were declared the undisputed champions, as
we won all our three matches after six years. Sarthak Chawla was adjudged the best
fielder of the tournament.
Special efforts by Arslan Ahmad, Mohammad Faisal, Anand D'Cruz, Mohammad Abbas and
Ahaad Islam proved our key to success. The game of brains, "Chess" was our next
hunt, We came first in the seniors and second in the juniors and overall first due
to the good performances from Shubhankar Bajpai, Ayush Jauhri, Saad Islam and Kartikey
Pandey, led by Prateek Hemrajani. The hunger for success led to a flurry of victories
that started in the pre-events of our Annual Sports Day with our marching squads
winning the 'Best House Marching Shield' for the year 2009- 2010. Our athletes ruled
the roost as they stormed the sports' events. Some of the prominent ones were Syed
Afnan, who bagged the individual championship in the '0' division and Roger Mukherjee
in the 'C' division. ArchitJaiswal came first in the cross Country race. The tug of war
was won by us, We performed very well in the middle school P.T. and won the shield
under the able guidance of our House Master, Mr. Leone Andre Ducasse. The discipline
throughout was excellent and we won the shield. Animesh and some of the other senior
boys of the House contributed a lot in maintaining the discipline.
In the end, I would like to show my sincere gratitude towards our House Master Mr.
L. A. Ducasse for his inspirational leadership and constant guidance in all our
activities. A special thanks to our 'teachers Mr. Chandan Mishra, Mrs. S.S. Sebastian,
Mr. P.O. Khan, Mr .VK. Paul, Abhinav Kumar, Red House Vice Captain, Skand Raj 'C'
Squad Leader and all the boys for their efforts in making each and every House event
a successful and memorable one.
Prateek Hemrajani

" All is well that ends well." We started well by coming second in the Inter House
Swimming with Srijan Singh and Aroun Dalawat doing their best. Then luck stopped
favouring us, With Zubair Ullah (House Captain) and Abhinav Kumar showing their
dribbling abilities, we came third in football. But we did not lose hope, and under
the able guidance and motivation of our House Master Mr. Leone Andre Ducasse we
captured the second place in the game of 'Best Brains', that is, chess, Although
our basketball captain Saurav Pandey did his best, we were positioned only the fourth
in basketball due to lack of co- ordination, We had to be content with the third
place in Table Tennis and Badminton, with our junior team performing really well.
The day of final showdown, the Annual athletic meet came. Showing their power and
stamina, our boys emerged out as champions in the tug-a-war, Showing perfect co-ordination,
we bagged the 'Marching Shield', We got a firm hold on the 'Discipline and P.T.
Shields' too, Zubair Ullah (1st in Broad jump; 2nd in the 400 mts race; 3rd in the
200 mts race) was awarded the 'Best Sportsman of the Year,' Siddharth Singh got
the 'Best All Rounder" in the junior category. Finally, the Red house came third
in the athletics and ended with the Red House getting the maximum number of shields,
All this made the session 2008-09 a memorable one. In the end, I would like to thank
our House Master Mr. Leone A.
Ducasse, for his constant support and guidance, Zubair Ullah (Captian), Saurav Pandey,
Anuj Vikram Singh, Mudassir, Ahmar Zaman, Skand Raj, Prateek Hemrajani and all the
boys of Red House for the hard work done.
Vipul Tiwari
Vice Captain,
Red House

With the swords out of their sheaths, the helmets and armors already worn, the shields
all Ready, the lives of the soldiers put on stake; we were standing in the battlefield
with our opponents in front of us, waiting for only one word 'ATTACK!" The academic
session 2007 -2008 helped the Red House boys to prove their metal. We may not have
fared well in the past but this year we put in all our effort to gain fruitful results.
Under the able guidance of Mr. L. Ducasse, Red House performed really well.
It all started with the Inter-House Football tournament in which after a long span
of Five years we defeated our opponents one by one in the seniors. This really helped
us realize our capabilities. Next we had the Inter-House swimming competition in
which Aviral Tiwari and Siddhartha Bhargava (Red House Captain) made commendable
efforts and placed our house in third place. Then came the chess-tournament in which
we applied our full strategy and our juniors made it to the top which placed our
house at second position overall. In table tennis the juniors' effort helped us
reach the third place.

In cricket our players performed really well and we won two out of three matches
but we fell short of only 2 runs and had to be content with the third place as the
results were decided on the basis of run rate. Then came the judgment day, that
is the annual sports.
In Tug-O-War we reached the finals after four long years and the efforts made by
Varun Singh helped us win the 'Tug-O-War Shield'. We also had a chance of winning
the Marching Shield but unfortunately we lost only by one point. In Athletics, Anadi
Upadhyay made us proud by winning the 'B' division championship and also the cup
for fast cycle race. While all this was going on, Siddhartha Bhargava and Rupam
Sengupta (Red house squad leader) were maintaining the discipline which also made
us the winners of the 'Discipline Shield'. The day ended with our house winning
the maximum number of shields. Special thanks to Parikshit Singh (Red house Vice
Captain), Rasika I Barla, Zuber Ullah, Shivesh Shukla, Yash Tandon, Anuj Vikram
Singh. This academic session 2007-2008 has helped us realize that we have the potential
what we lack is I, coordination, that we have the energy what we lack is commitment,
that we have the power what we lack is the stamina. In order to win we have to make
all that we lack-our strength and Cock House Shield our aim because we are fed
up of being called 'faithful till the end'.
Siddhartha Bhargava
House Captain

It all began when the wheel of fortune started favouring us during thewater rush,
in which Araf Khan, the Aquatics Captainand Aviral Tiwari, the Red House Vice Captain
gave their excellent performances and won the second position. Then came the grand
moves of Chirag Mital's 'Horses and Elephants' which was unmatched in the battlefield
of chess and we came first in both seniors and juniors, thereby winning the championship.
With the moral support of our captain Besin Simon and the hard work and great commitment
of Shivam Singh, the Table Tennis Captain, we emerged as champions in Table Tennis.
With every player doing their very best in the big ground, we won the second place
in the most passionate game of cricket. With the splendid performance and team work
of Besin Simon, Chirag Mital and Saurabh Pandey, we defeated each and every house
in Basket Ball and won the first place in the senior group. In Athletics, Anadhi
Upadhyay made us proud by winning the cross country juniors and 'B' division championship.
Chirag Mital brought glories to our house by winning the best all-rounder of the
year. Then came the great day, our annual athletic meet, in which we made our stunning
moves with perfection in marching and came first. Special thanks to Aviral Tiwari,
our Red House Vice Captain, Shaurya Vardhan Singh, Aditya Pratap Singh and Rahul
Kandpal for their sincere commitment towards the house.
In conclusion I would like to thank our House Master, Mr. Leone Ducasse for his
constant motivation, hard work and commitment throughout the year, as under his
guidance we came out as winning warriors.
Besin Simon

Under the able guidance of our house master, Mr. L. DuCasse and under the able captaincy
of Harshit Malviya, Red House, emerged as a ferocious tiger winning one laurel after
the other. The year started with the Inter House Football tournament and Red House
was the over all winner in football. In table tennis Red House came second in the
seniors while in the juniors we had to be content with the third place. In cricket
we came third and in Basketball we came second. I would also like to express my
sincere gratitude to Kevin Dutt, Amit Tripathi, Ajitesh Singh, Shrey Sharma, Ankit
Mishra, Arjun Vohra and Rahul Srivastava for their contribution towards Red House.
Special Thanks to Besin Simon (Red House V Captain) for having faith in me and giving
me moral support.
We won the Discipline Shield on Sports Day. Harshit Malviya won a bronze medal in
the relay race while Anadi Upadhyay won the overall championship for B. Division
Thank you once again.
Harshit Malviya
(Red House Captain)

After being bestowed the responsibility of captaining the house we put our shoulders
to the wheel and braved ourselves for a fresh onslaught of the sporting events for
the year 2004. Under the able guidance of our house master Mr. Owen Wright and under
the leadership of our captain Anubhav Mohiley, we commenced our year with the inter-house
football tournament where our boys put up a tough fight but couldn't match the skills
of the players of the other houses. Next came the inter house aquatics in which
our younger brothers performed brilliantly supported all the way by their seniors
including our vice captain Pratik Marwah who led them ably and secured the second
position overall. As the vacations ended we began our extra-curricular activities
with the inter house table-tennis in which our house captain with his great skills
tried to save the pride of our house but was not supported well enough, hence it
was not a great show.
The same happened in the badminton tournament where again
our captain showed some metal but unfortunately we had to be content with second
place. The inter house cricket was again a fiasco where Sanjay Singh played some
blazing knocks but to his bad luck, we were disqualified from the tournament due
to the wrong selections of the team. Our chess masters Pratik Marwah and Durgesh
Srivastava after coming from the state level championships tried their hand in the
inter-house chess and performed brilliantly and got us the second place. The annual
athletic meet was once again our Waterloo where we were floored easily in the 'tug-o-war'
but here again we had some respite when our athlete Amit Topno got the championship
in the A-division and the icing on the cake was the sharing of the MARCHING SHIELD
with Blue House
Even though our sporting calendar was marked with many losses we
continued to play all the games in the true spirit of sportsmanship. In the end
I would like to thank our house master Mr. Owen Wright who stood by us all the way
encouraging us for taking active participation in all the items and special thanks
to Mrs. McGowan our house mistress for her efforts in spurring us.
Pratik Marwah
& Anubhav Mohiley Vice-Captain & Captain Gold House
It is a great pleasure and honour to write down the Red House report, which is simply
a reflection of the hard work by our House Master Mr. L. DuCasse and all the boys
who participated in various events. Our year started very well as our team stood
second in Football with some outstanding performances by Nishab Srivastava & Mohd.
Junaid. We did not do well in Badminton but got the bronze in swimming. In Chess
and Table Tennis we were no able to perform up to our expectation. We took the second
position in Basket Ball helped by the excellent performance of Besin Simon.
The Red House dominated the Inter-House cricket tournament, the most awaited tournament
of the year Pratyush Malviya under whose able guidance our house lifted the winner's
trophy, led the team. We stood second in pursuit of the close contested marching
shield. I would like to thank all the boys of the Red House for participating with
the right spirit and for being co-operative.
I would also like to thank Suhail Abrar Khan the Vice-Captain for his help and co-operation.
I would like to express heartfelt gratitude of the house towards Mr. L. DuCasse
for his guidance and support.
Sachin Singh, Captain

The year 2001-02 saw a lot of ups and downs in the inter-house activities of our college. This time the Red House was not as lucky as yester years, but the spirit of 'Semper Sursum' is always there to remind us that there is always hope.
In the inter-house basketball, Red House came second in the senior, Junior and Sub Junior groups.
However in the senior football matches, we did much better than expected and came out winners. The juniors emerged second.
The inter-house tug -0 -war took a different turn this year. After winning the trophy for two consecutive years we ended up this year in the third place.
On the athletic front Faisal Shah and Anurag Tripathi came second in the 4 x 100 mts. race -'0' and 'A' Division. Pradeep
John got the third place in the 'A' division fast cycle race. Maaz Bin Shahid came second in the 1200 mts. fast cycle race in the 'C' division.
This year with new zeal and determination, we hope to come to the top, keeping our college motto in mind